Exploring your Calling, Part 2: Preparing Your Heart for Marriage

Reorienting Your Life Around Your Calling

When God calls you to something, there is no doubt that that this call will transform your life. This is no more true than in the area of being called to be married or single. If you are called to be married, your life will be irrevocably changed by the partner you choose. If you are called to be single, you will need to be part of a wider community, and that community will irrevocably change your life. We must each reorient our lives around our calling, not try to fit our calling into our life with as few changes as possible.  Any time God issues a call, a person’s life will have to radically adjust. There are plenty of biblical examples such as Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and many others.

If you feel called to get married, here are some points to consider as you pursue that calling: Continue reading “Exploring your Calling, Part 2: Preparing Your Heart for Marriage”